Entries by ktrang

MSP Responding to Risk in an Evolving Threat Landscape

There’s a reason major industry players have been discussing cybersecurity more and more: the stakes are at an all-time high for virtually every business today. Cybersecurity is not a matter businesses can afford to push off or misunderstand—especially small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), which have emerged as prime targets for cyberattacks. The risk level for […]

Windows Server 2019 and what we need to do now: Migrate and Upgrade!

IT pros around the world were happy to hear that Windows Server 2019 is now generally available and since there have been some changes to the release. This is a huge milestone, and I would like to offer congratulations to the Microsoft team for launching the latest release of this amazing platform as a big highlight of Microsoft Ignite. […]

Considerations in a multi-cloud world

With the infrastructure world in constant flux, more and more businesses are adopting a multi-cloud deployment model. The challenges from this are becoming more complex and, in some cases, cumbersome. Consider the impact on the data alone. 10 years ago, all anyone worried about was if the SAN would stay up, and if it didn’t, […]

Windows 10 October 2018 Update

Earlier today, Yusuf Mehdi announced the Windows 10 October 2018 Update, the newest feature update for Windows 10. I’m excited to share our October 2018 Update rollout plans, how you can get the update today, plus some new update experience enhancements. How to get the Windows 10 October 2018 Update As with prior Windows 10 feature […]

How to properly load balance your backup infrastructure

Veeam Backup & Replication is known for ease of installation and a moderate learning curve. It is something that we take as a great achievement, but as we see in our support practice, it can sometimes lead to a “deploy and forget” approach, without fine-tuning the software or learning the nuances of its work. In […]

Unsecure RDP Connections are a Widespread Security Failure

While ransomware, last year’s dominant threat, has taken a backseat to cryptomining attacks in 2018, it has by no means disappeared. Instead, ransomware has become a more targeted business model for cybercriminals, with unsecured remote desktop protocol (RDP) connections becoming the favorite port of entry for ransomware campaigns. RDP connections first gained popularity as attack […]

Get your data ready for vSphere 5.5 End of Support

There have been lots of articles and walkthroughs on how to make that upgrade work for you, and how to get to a supported level of vSphere. This VMware article is very thorough walking through each step of the process. But we wanted to touch on making sure your data is protected prior, during and after the […]

An MSP Guide to Happy Customers

Shawn Lazarus brings a fresh take to marketing strategy with his engineering background and global perspective. He currently oversees the product marketing, social media, digital marketing, and brand management for OnPage which helps an MSP server their clients better. An MSP’s ability to do effective work depends on their technical expertise. However, their ability to […]

IT Automation and Why Should You Use It?

The hottest word in IT is automation. More and more companies are using automated technology to speed up repetitive tasks, improve consistency and efficiency, and free up employees’ time. But what exactly is IT automation, and is it worth making changes so you can include it in your IT department or company? By looking at […]

Another Intel Vulnerability Discovered: Hello L1TF!

Did you know security exploits have a lifecycle? Since Intel announced Meltdown and Spectre earlier this year, they have expanded their bug bounty program to support and accelerate the identification of new exploit methods. Through this process they discovered a new derivative of original vulnerabilities. The new L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) vulnerability involves a security hole in […]